The Reality Party

Recorded July 16 2024


Following the attempted assassination of former United States President Donald J. Trump, Nate reflects on the dysfunctional social dynamics which have brought many of us to high levels of tribalism and mistrust toward others and divorced from the deeper challenges facing us in coming decades.  As humans, we all - for the most part - share the same enjoyments in life - beautiful nature, autonomy, music, healthy, tasty food, clean water, friends, and family (whatever species they might come in). Values are rarely - if ever - right or wrong, but they can become a polarizing force if they are blindly pursued without the broader context of the carbon pulse and what brought us here.  Is it even possible to have a political platform underpinned by a shared understanding that we live as part of the web of life, recognizing the centrality of energy and ecosystems, and seeing the limits of technology?  Could we align our political choices with these realities and be more effective, open to others, and act in a bi-partisan manner as citizens of the world? 

Show Notes

PDF Transcript

00:10 - Assassination attempt on Donald Trump

04:20 - Polarization on core values

04:59 - The Carbon Pulse

05:17 - Reality 101

06:22 - People have very little savings, healthcare is unaffordable, mental health crisis

06:26 - Pessimistic views of the future

06:46 - The stock market is not reflective of success for the average person, the bottom 50% owns 1% of stocks

07:18 - Energy is fundamental to everything

07:37 - AI energy demands

07:48 - Money and technology is supported by energy

08:04 - We are dependent on finite resources

08:19 - There’s nothing left after shale oil

08:38 - Ever rising debt is unsustainable

08:53 - Renewable energy is actually just rebuildable

09:12 - Multi-polar world

10:04 - Humans are animals

11:04 - US beliefs on climate change

11:17 - Planetary boundaries

11:29 - Microplastics in breastmilk, in the bloodstream, Endocrine disrupting chemicals causing 1-2% drop in human male sperm count every year

11:39 - Insect populations declining 1-2% per year

11:41 - Disrupted nitrogen cycle

11:42 - Slowing AMOC
12:36 - Technology is not a solution


The Solutions that can be Named are not the Solutions


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