The Fellowship of the Ring: ‘Bend Not Break’ Version
Recorded March 24 2024
In this Frankly, Nate recasts his favorite book series, the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, with some speculative “archetypes” of our human world grouped by various timelines. The eventual reduction in energy and material accessibility will likely alter the archetypes that we’re familiar with today - perhaps to become something not helpful to larger society. What categories of human archetypes in the future will have the potential to best influence their communities and the Earth? What will the most powerful among us choose when it comes to protecting their (monetary, temporary) wealth vs using it towards prosocial collective responses? Finally, and most importantly what archetypes will form a new Fellowship of humans to ‘bring the ring to Mordor’ during humanity’s ‘Bend not Break’ moment? Which archetype do you resonate with? Are there others?
Show Notes
00:04 - Frankly 57
00:36 - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, LOTR Trilogy
02:22 - Optimal Foraging
02:57 - Money supply and income
03:38 - Energy Surplus
03:59 - Carbon Pulse
04:44 - Global North
04:52 - 60 to 70 devices plugged in
06:29 - Loss Aversion
06:58 - Patrick Knodel on TGS
07:18 - AI
07:20 - Big Data
07:28 - Cyborg
08:36 - George Floyd
12:10 - Global Supply Chain
13:00 - Carl Jung
17:38 - Overton Window
17:50 - Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Gaza
23:48 - David and Goliath