Just Stop Oil !!?? Part 4 - The Intersection

Recorded August 8, 2023


In Part 4 of this Frankly mini-series, Nate concludes the deep dive into the nexus between “just stopping oil” and “just pumping oil” with 10 guideposts which might help us to navigate through the intersection of the Four Horsemen of the 2020s and the shrinking Web of Life….together known as The Great Simplification.  From decomplexifying at various scales to a change of consciousness arising from more humans focused on "Inner Tech", there are many ways we as individuals and as a part of the greater society can manage the push and pull of both environment and economic issues while remaining grounded in the reality of energy, technology, behavior, and the economy.

Show Notes

00:00 - Just Stop Oil !? Part 1 + Part 2 + Part 3

00:10 - Just Stop Oil

01:07 - US borrowing 1.5 trillion dollars in the second have of 2023

03:05 - Ecological Destruction

08:42 - Emergence

10:04 - Jevons Paradox

11:39 - King Midas

12:46 - We have too many financial claims than can be supported by biophysical reality

13:21 - Malthus

13:36 - Paul Ehrlich, TGS Episode, Population Bomb

13:55 - Great Recession

15:10 - Dopamine

18:42 - DJ White, TGS Episode, Earth Trust

19:23 - World Wildlife Fund

19:34 - Shifting baselines

22:50 - Heisenberg Principle


Running the ‘Systems Discourse’ Gauntlet


Just Stop Oil !!?? Part 3 - 10 Pathways to Post-Growth