Russia - Be Careful What We Wish For

Recorded November 17th, 2022


We were reminded this week of how precarious and dangerous the ongoing NATO/Russia situation is. An errant missile in Poland on Tuesday nearly started World War III (thankfully - cooler heads prevailed). The situation in Ukraine is horribly complex - but are people in the USA even paying attention? Many naively believe getting rid of Putin or ‘winning’ militarily vs Russia are valid and reasonable goals. But from a systems vantage there is more going on here than the mainstream narrative - we are in the liminal space between a unipolar and multipolar world order - a time fraught with various risks.  Our collective understanding/response is vital to livable futures.  

Show Notes

Previous Episode and Frankly on this topics: TGS Chuck Watson 1, TGS Chuck Watson 2, Frankly #2 with Chuck Watson

00:20 - Ukraine/Russia events

00:51 - Missiles landing in Poland

01:30 - What does a nuclear exchange mean

03:03 - Media’s villainization of Putin

03:45 - How the Soviet Union Collapse shaped current politicians and geopolitics

03:59 - The Harvard Boys

04:50 - Nuclear weapon stockpile in Russia

05:04 - Russia is the top exporter of wheat

05:07 - Russia is a top 3 oil producer and has a ton of natural resources with low population

05:37 - We were very close to nuclear war during the collapse of the soviet union

06:49 - Putin narrative of de-dollarization and imperialism of the west

06:57 - Trade agreements with the BRICS nations

07:26 - US dollar currently used to price oil

07:57 - Purchasing Power Parity

08:44 - Biden’s new proposal for Ukraine aid

09:11 - Eastern Oblasts of Ukraine


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