Chuck Watson: "War, Rumours of War, and Governance”

Episode 94
October 20th, 2023

(Conversation recorded on October 18th, 2023)  

Show Summary

On this Special episode Nate speaks once again with risk expert Chuck Watson for a critical assessment of the unfolding situation around Israel which adds to the rapidly escalating dangers of our current geopolitical landscape. As tensions rise, the potential risks that geopolitical confrontation in the Middle East poses could spill over into energy, economic systems, and our social fabric - Chuck lends his deep expertise and decades of experience to shed light on these complex dynamics. How do our individual perspectives of where history begins influence who we see as “good” or “evil” and is it even possible to find an unbiased source of ‘truth’? What does Western diplomacy look like in a world no longer based on fear - and will the United States risk being stretched too thin trying to preserve the unipolar world of past generations? How do we even begin to navigate the minefield of geopolitical tensions that seem to be growing daily so as to maintain some sort of stability that avoids catastrophic outcomes in coming years?

About Chuck Watson

Chuck Watson has had a long career in military and intelligence work, with a specialty in natural and human made disaster modeling. He worked for the US Air Force, was an attache to US Ambassadors to the Middle East Robert McFarland, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as a Soviet expert. Chuck has worked as an advisor to the military for over four decades with a particular emphasis on big data, open source intelligence, with an emphasis on the Soviet Union and Russia. Chuck is also the founder and Director of Research and Development of Enki Holdings, LLC, which designs computer models for phenomena ranging from tropical cyclones (hurricanes) and other weather phenomena, earthquakes, and tsunamis, as well as anthropogenic hazards such as industrial accidents, terrorism, and weapons of mass destruction.

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Show Notes & Links to Learn More

00:00 - Chuck Watson Info, Part 1, Part 2, Frankly, Wars and Rumours of War, Chuck’s blog comments on the podcast

01:00 - ½-⅔ of remaining oil reserves are within ~800 miles of Israel

06:03 - History of relationship between Israel and Palestine

06:42 - McFarland, Rumsfeld, Habib

07:05 - There have been more [Correction: Children] casualties in the first 10 days between Hamas and Israel than in 2 years between Ukraine and Russia + Larry Johnson’s analysis

09:27 - Biden support of Israel and Arab leaders refused to meet with him

09:59 - Markets lack of response to geopolitical events

12:51 - Past Israeli wars

16:10 - BRICS, growing anti-west sentiment

18:25 - US relationship with dictators

18:38 - Bashar al-Assad

18:55 - Open slave markets in Libya

19:41 - TGS Daniel Schmachtenberger episodes

19:45 - Social media and geopolitics

21:01 - Missile and hospital explosion, analyis/recap by Larry Johnson + CNN counterpoint 

28:09 - Putin speech where he calls the Soviet Union one of the largest catastrophe of the 20th century

30:19 - Collapse of the Ottoman Empire, World War 1 and Palestine

31:55 - Foreign Affairs article discussing the US as the World’s dominant power

32:35 - US Defense Budget is inefficient

36:20 - Decline of the peace movement and rise of using military power

36:52 - Wall Street Journal article outlining Iran involvement in Hamas actions

38:24 - Israeli nuclear weapons

39:31 - Pakistani nuclear weapons

43:23 - Risk Homeostasis

48:40 - Radiological event

49:39 - US redeploying forces to the middle east

51:53 - US depleted industrial base and reduced manufacturing capacity

53:41 - Archduke Ferdinand

55:50 - Two State Solution

57:53 - 2006 Lebanon War

58:45 - Saudi Sunni leadership talking with Shia Iran leadership

1:00:13 - Europe LNG dependence on the strait of Hormuz

1:03:30 - Living conditions of people in Gaza

1:11:43 - Nuclear war close calls averted by individual humans




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