Simon Michaux: "The Arcadians"

Episode 49
December 14, 2022

(Conversation Recorded on October 31, 2022.)

On this episode, mining and geology expert Simon Michaux returns to give a preliminary framework for responses to the coming energy and material constraints described in the previous episode. This includes both practical thoughts for how to organize communities around resources and also a shift in mindset from short term to long-term and from competition to cooperation. How do we simultaneously lay out all of the biophysical constraints on the table so that we can begin preparing for and adapting to a changing future? 

About Simon Michaux

Dr. Simon Michaux is an Associate Professor of Geometallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland. He has a PhD in mining engineering. Dr. Michaux’s long-term work is on societal transformation toward a circular economy. 

Show Notes & Links to Learn More

PDF Transcript

00:36 - Simon Michaux info + works + TGS Episode #19 (Simon Michaux)

03:05 - Finland committing to being fossil fuel free/carbon neutral by 2035

04:03 - 80% of Finland electricity is from non-fossil fuels, all transport is from fossil fuel

04:50 - Energy Blind

06:35 - Energy density of oil

07:38 - Massive pollution stream and deteriorating environment and huge population

08:27 - Weaponization of gas in Europe

08:55 - Natural gas used to balance the power grid

09:25 - We don’t have enough minerals to deploy electric transportation in time

11:37 - Lithium 8x what it was a few years ago

11:48 - Offsetting resource declines with debt

13:03 - Peak oil potentially in November 2018

13:16 - Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROI)

14:30 - Intermittence of Renewables (Wind and solar)

18:06 - Bretton Woods

21:55 - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

25:06 - Marvin Harris, 3 levels of intervention

28:22 - Steve Keen + TGS Episode #30 (Steve Keen)

31:20 - DJ White and Nate’s book “The Bottlenecks of the 21st Century”

41:41 - Balkanization

42:48 - Contact (movie)

43:09 - Overton Window

46:30 - Enormous problems and dependence on petrochemicals in the food system

48:10 - GMOs and AI in agriculture

52:20 - Drinking water scarcity worldwide

56:25 - Sewage systems using gravity, using ponds with plants and animals to treat waste water

56:30 - Gray water and black water

57:34 - Geothermal for heating, geothermal for power

1:04:53 - We need 4.3 billion tons of copper for the first generations of renewables

1:05:23 - We are running 24 million tons of copper right now

1:05:46 - Olivia Lazard, work on geopolitics of resource scarcity

1:06:00 - Wet bulb temp

1:06:27 - Copper reserves at 880 million tons (USGS)

1:06:36 - Prior to 2020, humanity mined 700 million tons of copper, to keep up with growth, the same amount will be mined in the next 22 years


There Are Bottlenecks in the Raw Materials Supply Chain

Assessment of the Extra Capacity Required of Alternative Energy Electrical Power Systems to Completely Replace Fossil Fuels

Answers to Hot Topics Around Simon P. Michaux’s Report 

What are the Raw Materials Supply Bottlenecks to the Green Transition? The Need for a New Plan

What are the Raw Materials Supply Bottlenecks to the Green Transition? Comments and Discussion


Daniel Schmachtenberger: "Bend Not Break Part 5: Criteria and Categories for Response"


Tomas Björkman: "The Great Transformation - Metamodernism and The Future"