Steve Vavrus: "Arctic Fever? Taking the Arctic’s Temperature"

Episode 35
September 6, 2022

(Conversation Recorded on August 18, 2022.)

On this episode, Climate Scientist Steve Vavrus joins Nate to discuss the Arctic and its critical impact on climate science. Why are the effects of warming so extreme in the Arctic, and what are the implications for weather events and average temperatures on the rest of the planet? Do runaway arctic feedback loops mean disaster ‘Blue Ocean’ scenarios? 

Steve explains why the answers to these questions aren’t as simple as they may seem and talks about the challenges and hopes he sees for the future of humans and global climate. 

About Steve Vavrus

Steve Vavrus is a Senior Scientist in the Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He uses computer climate models and observational data to understand how our climate is changing across the world, including in Wisconsin. Extreme weather events are an important theme of his research, particularly how they might be affected by climate change. Steve is co-director of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) and has been a long-time member of its Climate Working Group. Additionally, Steve is an IPCC Scientist, contributing to the most recent climate report. Steve received Ph.D. and Master's degrees in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin and a Bachelor's degree in meteorology at Purdue University.

Show Notes & Links to Learn More

PDF Transcript

00:35 - Steve’s info + works  

00:42 - IPCC climate scientist

02:20 - Acid rain

02:30 - Climate change

03:15 - National Cap and Trade system 

03:55 - Carbon dioxide, methane solutions require different strategies

04:05 - We [U.S.] burn a lot less coal than we used to, China is still largest coal-burning country

04:24 - Air pollution in India and air pollution in China

04:42 - Arctic and Antarctic roles in climate system

05:14 - Polar regions and hot tropics

05:27 - Storms and the Jet Stream

05:40 - Snow and ice locked up in the polar regions and sea level rise

05:53 - Arctic warming 4x faster than world average

06:08 - Temperature differential

07:12 - Extreme weather events which are prolonged

07:26 - Polar vortex and heat domes  

08:27 - Europe all time heat records, 104 degrees in London, Canada all time temperature record of 121 degrees

10:06 - 2014 and 2019 Wisconsin cold temps

10:30 - Recency bias

11:01 - Positive feedbacks and albedo

12:52 - Permafrost, Arctic permafrost stores more carbon than in entire atmosphere

13:30 - Greenland ice sheet, Iceland ice cap 

14:16 - Boreal forest is dark, tundra is light

14:48 - RCP 8.5 is biophysically implausible 

15:17 - IEA or AR6 Moderate Action scenario 

16:04 - Realization that high-end emission scenarios are implausible

17:58 - Fluid dynamics 

18:14 - Complexity of new climate models

18:23 - Six continent supply chain

19:42 - How climate models add cloud physics

20:25 - IPCC is interdisciplinary, Oceanographers, Glaciologists

21:35 - Arctic amplification of global warming is a very real thing

21:42 - Paleoclimate record, in time of dinosaurs the poles were ice free

22:58 - Blue Ocean event  

24:35 - The last interglacial period 

24:58 - [Interglacial period] sea levels 6-9 meters or 20-30 feet higher

25:25 - Sea level during peak of last ice age, Russia and Alaska connection

26:03 - Meltwater pulse event 

26:13 - Sea level rise impact to people on coast lines

27:39 - First principles

30:30 - Similarities shared between the Arctic and Antarctica.

30:42 - The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land mass

30:45 - The Antarctic is a land mass surrounded by ocean

30:55 - North Pole, South Pole

32:11 - IPCC report “uncertainty bars”

33:08 - Ocean acidification, change in thermohaline circulation, AMOC, overfishing, food webs on cetaceans

33:53 - Geo-engineering schemes

35:13 - Pumping sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere 

37:27 - Crushed olivine rock to absorb CO2 

37:58 - Brightening sea ice or snow cover to deflect solar energy

40:40 - Biodiversity, population decline, endocrine disruptors, habitat loss

41:01 - Systems awareness [TGS Movie]

42:17 - How the Arctic will change in the Summer

42:54 - Northern Siberia hit 100 degrees for first time ever reported

45:12 - Anthropogenic climate change

46:57 - Carbon sequestration, solar panels

47:34 - China expanding renewable energy + expanding fossil fuel use

48:36 - Urban heat islands 

50:48 - George Floyd, social justice, environmental justice

51:21 - Wet bulb temperature 

51:30 - Climate justice

52:05 - Coastal erosion in the Arctic, some villages in Alaska have had to relocate

53:01 - Djibouti and warm nights so the oxen are suffering

54:55 - Heat is the #1 weather-related killer in the US

56:56 - Turn down the temperature in political discourse


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