Vicki Robin “Money and Life’s Energy”

Episode 21
June 1, 2022

(Conversation Recorded on February 21, 2022)

On this episode, we meet with social innovator, writer, and speaker, Vicki Robin.

Robin unpacks how the machine of community begins. How does being vulnerable, sharing, and being obligated to others create a system that allows everyone to contribute?  Why do we need to learn to begin asking for help?

Further, Robin shares how we can begin to take steps toward food resiliency. Robin shares the story of how she only ate food that was produced within a 10-mile radius of her home for 30 days, and how we should all begin to think and act locally.

About Vicki Robin

Vicki Robin is a prolific social innovator, writer and speaker. She is coauthor with Joe Dominguez of the international best-seller, Your Money or Your Life: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Achieving Financial Independence (Viking Penguin, 1992, 1998, 2008, 2018). It was an instant NY Times best seller in 1992 and steadily appeared on the Business Week Best Seller list from 1992-1997. It is available now in twelve languages.

Blessing the Hands that Feed Us; Lessons from a 10-mile diet (Viking/Penguin 2014) recounts her adventures in hyper-local eating and what she learned about food and farming as well as belonging and hope.

Show Notes

PDF Transcript

00:45 - Vicki Robin website, Your Money or Your Life, Blessing the Hands that Feed Us, FIRE community

06:58 - The Superorganism 

08:44 - Money is a claim on energy

11:32 - Food deserts

11:58 - Wealth gap

17:11 - Post Carbon Institute

18:11 - 30% GDP drop during the Great Depression

21:57 - Siddhartha

24:30 - Thoreau

27:27 - Stoicism

29:44 - Decrease of insect biomass

29:45 - More plastic than fish in the ocean 

29:55 - Coral populations dying

31:05 - Once basic needs are met, the best things in life are free

35:06 - The Ecological Footprint Mathis Wackernagel

37:04 - Hyperlocal eating - 10 mile diet

37:36 - Transition time movement

42:55 - The waning of reciprocity in modern culture

48:17 - Conversation Cafe

50:25 - Hero’s journey

53:52 - How to be

55:03 - Friday’s for Future


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