Chris Keefer: "Empowering the Future: from Nuclear to Podcasting”
Episode 123
May 15th, 2024
(Conversation recorded on April 16th, 2024)
Show Summary
On this episode, Nate is joined by ER doctor, nuclear power advocate, and podcast host Chris Keefer for a broad ranging conversation including the basics of nuclear energy, how he engages with opposing opinions, and hypotheticals for a future medical system. Coming from a broad background, Chris understands what it means to have a human to human conversation and put together the pieces of our systemic puzzle in a clear and compelling way. What role could nuclear play for our future energy needs - and how are different countries making use of it today? How can we prioritize the health and safety of people under energetic and resource constraints? Most of all, how do we listen to others that we don’t agree with - regardless of the issue - to foster the diverse perspectives necessary to navigate the coming challenges of the human predicament?
About Chris Keefer
Chris Keefer MD, CCFP-EM is a Staff Emergency Physician at St Joseph's Health Centre and a Lecturer for the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. He is also an avid advocate for expanding nuclear power as the President of Canadians for Nuclear Energy and Director of Doctors for Nuclear Energy. Additionally, he is the host of the Decouple Podcast exploring the most pressing questions in energy, climate, environment, politics, and philosophy.
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Show Notes & Links to Learn More
00:00 - Chris Keefer works + info, Decouple Podcast, Canadians for Nuclear Energy
04:45 - Egalitarian hunter gatherer society, infant mortality
05:12 - Bow drill fire
07:10 - Yukon
07:30 - Humans and livestock outweigh wild mammals 50:1, not in the Yukon
08:10 - Dr. Paul Farmer
08:45 - Most humans use to work in agriculture, ~15% now involved in healthcare
10:56 - Ontario nuclear power, one of lowest electric grid in the world
12:01 - Justin Trudeau
12:24 - Simcoe Clinic, Canadian Center for Victims of Torture
14:01 - World population over time
14:36 - Paleodemography
14:59 - Degrowth
15:19 - Infant mortality in developed countries
15:55 - Tight link between energy, materials and GDP
20:54 - Duck and Cover Drills
21:05 - Environmental Movement and Nuclear
21:21 - Nagasaki bomb radiation injuries
21:49 - High dose radiation is deadly, low dose radiation less so
21:05 - Strontium-90 found in the teeth of babies
21:10 - Atmospheric weapons testing ban
22:33 - Fukushima meltdown, health impacts are negligible
23:09 - 20,000 people died from the Fukushima earthquake and following tsunami
23:47 - Fukushima contaminated water has been filtered out and is safe
24:24 - How radiation is measured